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Divisional Strategic Goal Statements


The divisional goals are predicated on the priorities and goals of the university.  They are an expression of the divisional contribution to the implementation of the overarching strategy of Mandela University.

In consonance with its mandate and service ethos and paradigm, the division will pursue the following interrelated, interconnected and integrative goals:

  1. Provide student-centred health care and holistic wellbeing.
  2. Facilitate universal access, inclusivity and integration for students with disabilities. 
  3. Create participation opportunities in recreational and competitive sport.
  4. Provide accessible, affordable, quality student-centred living and learning experiences.
  5. Develop a new generation of world-class leaders for a changing society.
  6. Cultivate capable and dynamic human capital.
  7. Deploy effective, transformative and innovative governance and leadership.
  8. Inculcate and embed a culture of resource stewardship.