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To promote science as a lifestyle and not just a field of study


To be a dynamic society that contributes to a better understanding of science.


  • Attend to the interests of our members and science students and promote communication among themselves and with other associated groups or persons.

  • Help bridge the gap between the Sci-SA members and the mainstream scientific world.

  • Assist and encourage students in different departments to collectively and productively work together.

  • Encourage student involvement in Research and Development aspects of scientific education.

  • Advocate for vibrancy and scientific involvement through extra-mural activities such as scientific talks, debates, poetry, discussions etc.


The Sci-SA aims to do this through meetings, guest speakers, student networking (researchers, possible employers and various professionals at the university), workshops and field trips.

Throughout these events, members will have the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge required to pursue their careers successfully and be more employable.


Contact details 

Scisa Nmmu  Facebook

scisa_nmmu  Instagram  email