Gene Therapy is defined as the technique that deals with the modification of one’s genetic so that the treatment or curing of various disease is made possible. There are a number of mechanisms whereby gene therapies can function.
Gene therapies can function, firstly, through the removal of a gene that causes disease, and the replacement of said gene with a healthy copy.
Secondly, they can function when a defective gene, no longer functioning, is efficiently inhibited. Lastly, they can function when the body is introduced to a new or altered gene for the purpose of treating a disease of condition. Gene therapy products come in different varieties. Plasmid DNA, for example, whereby DNA molecules that are circular, can be altered to transport therapeutic genes into the human cells.
Viral vectors, some gene therapy products come from viruses due to their ability to transport genetic make-up into cells, and bacterial vectors whereby bacteria can be engineered, to avoid producing infectious diseases and then utilized as vectors, to deliver therapeutic genes into human cells. There a more gene therapy products that are in the midst of undergoing research to ensure that they will be safe and efficient. Gene therapy has a promising future, and doctors are hopeful that they will be able to use it to treat ailments in people.
Sources of Information: Food and Drug Administration (2018). What Is Gene Therapy? [online] Available at:
MedlinePlus (2022). What Is Gene therapy? [online] Available at:
Posted on 30 June 2023 10:17:00

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