
Through its Student Chapters the BMF is laying ground to better the market with a new type of a corporate cadre, and perhaps one that understands.

the value of being contrary. The fact that we draw our membership from diverse academic disciplines, sports, culture and political backgrounds makes the BMF Student Chapter a melting pot of South Africa's youth leadership. This development is underpinned by our commitment to the BMF mandate of "Developing Managerial Leadership". The BMFsc is continuously modelling itself as an ideal platform for young aspirant business managers and leaders who genuinely engage on socio-economic matters challenging South African youth. We command a national presence evidenced by many branches. Whilst we are a non-racial organisation, our membership is targeted primarily at black students in higher learning institutions of South Africa.


Purpose of Existence

  1. To achieve academic excellence
  2. To acquire sustained personal development
  3. To contribute towards community upliftment


Benefits to BMFsc Members

  1. Learnership, internship and vacation job opportunities
  2. Opportunities to attend branch forums, and other BMF events
  3. Opportunities to network with and be mentored by business leaders, managers and other public figures
  4. Opportunity to attend our national and provincial events and workshops, where policies and youth related issues are discussed
  5. Development programmes, including life, business and entrepreneurial skills
  6. Opportunity to plough back to communities through community development and service programmes
  7. Enhanced employment opportunities because of the above benefits


Contact us on:

Facebook: @BMFscMandelauni

Instagram: @mandelauni_bmfsc